速報APP / 工具 / Schedule Timer

Schedule Timer





版本需求:Android 5.1 以上版本


Schedule Timer(圖1)-速報App

* Schedule edit

Add new schedule by + button.

Edit the schedule by tapping the list.

You can load and save with the menu button in the upper right.

Schedule Timer(圖2)-速報App

* Timer control

Activate the timer with the START button.

* Automatic schedule feed

Auto feed on

Schedule Timer(圖3)-速報App

When the scheduled time comes, the schedule items highlight will be moved.

Difference display does not work.

Auto feed off

When the scheduled time comes, the user needs to press the "NEXT" button.

Schedule Timer(圖4)-速報App

Displays the difference from the scheduled time on the "Difference" line.

Schedule Timer(圖5)-速報App